
My Stepdad's a Cop and My Stepmom's a Domme
Stoke Extinguisher
They both wear uniforms
They both have shiny boots
They both use unnecessary force
One whips one shoots
They both have a nightstick
They both are sadistic
They both have a tough beat
I think its kind of neat
That my step dads a cop and my
Step moms a dom
I found a pair of handcuffs
I don't know who they belong
I dont wanna know what happens
When my parents do something wrong
Oh my step dads a cop and my
Step moms a dom
They both lock people up
They both keep people down
They do their crazy jobs
When im not around
To serve and protect
To get served with respect
They both think i suspect
That my step moms a dom
And my step dads a cop
I cant explain the things i hear
When i eavesdrop
I found a can of pepperspray
Beneath a riding crop
Oh my step moms a dom
And my step dads a cop
That my step dads a cop and my
Step moms a dom
I found a pair of handcuffs
I don't know who they belong
I dont wanna know what happens
When my dad does something wrong
Oh my step dads a cop and my
Step moms a dom
They both have shiny boots
They both use unnecessary force
One whips one shoots
They both have a nightstick
They both are sadistic
They both have a tough beat
I think its kind of neat
That my step dads a cop and my
Step moms a dom
I found a pair of handcuffs
I don't know who they belong
I dont wanna know what happens
When my parents do something wrong
Oh my step dads a cop and my
Step moms a dom
They both lock people up
They both keep people down
They do their crazy jobs
When im not around
To serve and protect
To get served with respect
They both think i suspect
That my step moms a dom
And my step dads a cop
I cant explain the things i hear
When i eavesdrop
I found a can of pepperspray
Beneath a riding crop
Oh my step moms a dom
And my step dads a cop
That my step dads a cop and my
Step moms a dom
I found a pair of handcuffs
I don't know who they belong
I dont wanna know what happens
When my dad does something wrong
Oh my step dads a cop and my
Step moms a dom